Gaur, Izaro eta Uxueren izeba Clara Etxarriri egin diogu elkarrizketa. Oso gustura egon gara berarekin berriketan. Mila esker gure irratira etortzeagatik!!!
Peru S., Izaro, Xela, Denis, Lohitzun, Irati T., Urko eta Ekiñe izan dira irratsaio hau prestatu duten artistak.
Oso polita atera zaigula uste dugu. Ea gustatzen zaizuen?
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Clara Etxarri eta ikasleak |
Good work, but, very well Urko.
I think you did very well.
Very good. Congratulations!!!
Very good, Lohitzun, Izaro, Peru, Ekiñe, Urko, Denis, Xela and Clara Etxarri.
Very good to all, congratulations
Congratulations to all of Berritsu radio!!!
Congratulations you did very well Urko and every body!!!
Very good, congratulations Urko and the others!!! You did a very good radio and I like it very much.