Andoni Zubizarreta was born in 23th October 1961 in Victoria and He is 1,87m height. Now he is 53 years old. He debuted in 1977.

Luis Miguel Arcona was born in 26th June
1945 in Donosti, and He is 1,80m height. Now
He is 60 years old. He debuted in 1974.

Luis Miguel Arconada is 7 years older than Zubizarreta, but
Zubizarreta is 7cm longer than Arconada.

 By: Iker Aburuza

0 Responses

  1. Very good job.
    I like Arkonada more than Zubizarreta

    AUPA REALLLL!!!!!!!!

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Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak * markatuta daude