Hurrengo ostiralean Asteasura goaz bizikletan LH3tik – LH6ra.
Gaur ostirala, bizikletak prestatzen egon gara: gurpilaren lodieraren araberako presio desberdintasunak, sillina altura egokian jarri, balaztak begiratu, balazta desberdinen ezaguera (diskoarekin edo diskoa gabe), kaskoa neurri egokian ondo jarri eta oreka lantzeko gin-kama ariketak egin ditugu.
Egileak: Irati eta Nahia
Very well.
We had a very good PE class.
We had a fantastic afternun PE class riding our bicicles!!!
We hand a fantastic day preparig the bicycle to go to Asteasu.
We hand a very good PE class.
We had a fantastic day. We preparated the bikes to go to Asteasu and eat a very delicius ice cream. Jummy jummy delicius!!!
We are very happy to go to Asteasu riding the bicicle.
We are very happy to ride the bike to Asteasu !!!
Enyoy very much in the Asteau tour!!!