Gaurkoa izan da, ikasturte honetan egin dugun azken irratsaioa. Aiert, Julen, Ander, Markel, Alaitz, Lander, Ibai eta Amaiari egokitu zaigu gaur irratsaioa egitea.
Bixente Gaorostidi bertsolariari egin diogu elkarrizketa.
Gainera, gaur zozketa egin dugu eta horren aitzakian lehiaketan parte hartu dutenen arteko zozketen irabazleak zeintzuk diren ere esan ditugu.
Gabonei zuzendutako irratsaioa izan da gaurkoa. Entzun ea gustatzen zaizuen!!!
Bixente Gorostidi eta ikasleak |
Very good.
Thank you for coming to our school!!
Thank you to Bixente, and congratulations to Berritsu radio!!
I liked the interview veri much!!!!!!!
Very good Berritsu radio and Bixente Gorostidi.
Very good you, did very well.
I like it.
The interview was very interestin.
Very good and very interisting. thank you very much for coming to school
Good work,You did very well.
Very good to all and congratulation.
We passed very good in the radio and I want to do the radio again!!! Thank you for the coments.
Very good and very interisting. Thank you very much for coming to school.
Very good Markel, Ibai, Lander, Aiert, Ander, Julen, Amaia, and Alaitz congratulation very much.
Very good
The interview is very interesting.