Alaitz, Irati, Lohitzun, Denis, Ugaitz, Julen, Xuhar eta Laiari egokitu zaigu irratsaioa egitea. Jon Ander Belamendia, Adunako gaztea elkarrizketatu dugu eta oso gustura egon gara berarekin berriketan.
Espero dugu zuei ere gustatu izana, eta irratsaioa berriz entzun nahi izan ezkero, beheko estekan duzue entzungai.
The Berritsu radio is very good and is very interesting.
The radio came out very nice
I like Beritsu Radio.
It went well but at the beginning, as we were nervous, we got confused.
congratulations very nice job.
Very goood, congratulations.
Very good
Veri good radio
Very good interview and I enjoyed it very much.
Good job!!!
Congratulations,you have done very well.
very well